How to redirect and customize your 404 error page in WordPress

Why is Customizing Your 404 Error Page Important?

Picture this: you visit a website, excited to explore its content, only to stumble upon a frustrating 404 error message. We’ve all been there, and it can be quite off-putting. But fear not! As a savvy website owner, you have the power to turn this setback into an opportunity by customizing your 404 error page in WordPress.

What is a 404 Error Page?

A 404 error page is shown to visitors when they try to access a webpage that doesn’t exist on your website. It could be due to a mistyped URL, broken links, or a page that has been removed or renamed. By default, WordPress displays a generic 404 error message, which isn’t particularly helpful or engaging.

Why shouldn’t I have a 404 error page in WordPress?

Having a 404 error page could result in a frustrating experience for users who encounter broken links or non-existent pages, without offering them any guidance on how to navigate or find the information they are looking for.

A well redirected or customized 404 error page can keep visitors on your site, rather than having them leave immediately. You can use it as an opportunity to redirect users to relevant content or to invite them to explore other sections of the site.

How to do a redirect with Rank Math?

  • Install and activate Rank Math:

Make sure you have installed and activated the Rank Math plugin from the WordPress repository.

  • Redirect Settings:

Go to the WordPress admin panel.
Navigate to “SEO” > “Redirects” in the Rank Math menu.

  • Add Redirect:

Under the “Redirects” tab, you can add a new redirect by clicking “Add New”.

Under “Source”, enter the old URL that produced a 404 error.
Under “Destination”, enter the new URL you want to redirect to.

  • Select the appropriate redirect type (301 Permanent or 302 Temporary).
  • Save Changes:

Click “Save Changes” to apply the new redirect.
Verify Redirect:

  • Access the old URL in your browser to make sure the redirect is set up correctly.

How to Customize Your 404 Error Page in WordPress

Step 1: Locate Your WordPress Theme’s 404 Template

To start customizing your 404 error page, you need to locate the 404.php file in your WordPress theme’s directory. This file controls how your website displays the 404 error page to visitors. If your theme doesn’t have a specific 404.php file, don’t worry! You can create one and tailor it to your liking.

Step 2: Create a Backup of Your 404.php File

Before making any changes, it’s always a good practice to create a backup of your files. This ensures that you can easily revert to the original version if anything goes wrong. Simply copy the 404.php file and save it with a different name, such as “404-backup.php”.

Step 3: Customize Your 404 Error Page

Now comes the fun part – customizing your 404 error page! Open the 404.php file using a text editor or the built-in code editor in your WordPress dashboard. Here, you can let your creativity shine by adding your own design elements, catchy headlines, images, or even a playful message to engage your visitors.

Remember to make your custom 404 page visually appealing, easy to navigate, and provide useful links to help visitors find what they were originally looking for. You can also consider adding a search bar or a list of popular articles to encourage further exploration of your site.

Step 4: Preview and Test Your Customized 404 Error Page

Once you’re done customizing your 404 error page, it’s crucial to preview and test it before making it live on your website. This allows you to spot any errors or design inconsistencies that might negatively impact the user experience. Use the “Preview” feature in your WordPress dashboard or open your website in a new browser tab to see how your new 404 page looks and functions.

Step 5: Make Your Customized 404 Error Page Live

After you’re satisfied with the changes and your custom 404 error page looks perfect, it’s time to make it live. Simply replace the original 404.php file with your customized version by uploading it to your WordPress theme’s directory. Once you’ve done that, visitors who encounter a 404 error on your website will be greeted with your unique and engaging 404 page.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

While customizing your 404 error page can elevate your website’s user experience, there are a few essential things to remember:

  • Maintain Consistency: Ensure that your custom 404 page aligns with the overall design and branding of your website.
  • Stay Informative: While adding a touch of creativity is great, make sure your 404 page provides clear and concise instructions on how visitors can navigate back to your site’s main content.
  • Regularly Update: Check your website analytics to identify pages that frequently generate 404 errors and update the links accordingly. This helps minimize the occurrence of 404 errors in the future.

With these tips in mind, you’re now equipped to customize your 404 error page in WordPress and turn a potential stumbling block into an engaging experience for your visitors.

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